Plan employees simply by drag & drop
The scheduling and order planning in customer service becomes a piece of cake with WorkHeld. It allows you to assign the planned orders to the technicians simply by drag & drop. To avoid double scheduling, you can use the availability check to check whether the selected employee is not assigned to another work order at the scheduled time. This speeds up your order planning significantly.
Use of checklists for easy order planning in customer service
While scheduling the order, you can also add checklists to the work steps with just a few clicks, so that the technician immediately knows what to do. This ensures an uncomplicated and transparent work process. Unlike paper forms, digital checklists are much more flexible and changes and updates can be quickly adjusted and synchronized with all technicians.
Each checklist in WorkHeld can consist of any number of items. These either specify that the execution of certain activities must be confirmed or that predefined measured values must be acquired. It is up to you to decide how much flexibility is left to the technician when working through the checklist. Single points can be marked as obligatory or already specify which measured value must be recorded when, how and where.
This means that nothing stands in the way of quick and easy order planning and order execution.